
During our extended monitoring and from additional exploratory testing, we have observed no recurrences of the underlying issue which resulted in provisioning failures.

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We have applied the recommended patch to the affected production regions. We are observing runtime provisioning succeeding once again as a result. We will continue to monitor the situation and post a final update once we are confident it has been completely resolved.

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We have tested a recommended patch in our dev environments and are working towards rolling this out to the affected production regions. We will provide another update in approximately 30 minutes or when more details become available.

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We are currently currently observing runtime provisioning failures due to underlying storage connectivity issues with the cloud service provider. Creating new nodes or services in the affected regions will most likely fail until this is resolved. Existing runtimes are not affected. We will provide another update in approximately 30 minutes or when more details become available.

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Began at:

Affected components
  • Azure US West
  • Azure France Central